domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010


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Click to enlargeThe Favela-Bairro Project: Jorge Mario Jauregui Architects

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The favelas of Rio de Janeiro are shantytowns that lack even the most basic infrastructure and services. The Favela-Bairro Project, featuring the work of Jorge Mario Jáuregui Architects, seeks to turn these blighted areas into functioning neighborhoods, or bairros. Jáuregui's design initiatives include the construction of community centers offering recreational activities and job training, daycare facilities, communal kitchens, and new streets and pedestrian walkways. These projects facilitate movement within the favelas, create links to the city center, address health and environmental concerns, and taken collectively, improve the sociological and economic status of the favelas. Jáuregui has used architecture as a powerful tool for social reform and a means of integrating these informal communities with the rest of the city.



Peter Rowe

Memoir of a Visit
Rodolfo Machado

Jorge Mario Jáuregui Architects

The Favela-Bairro Project
Brooke Hodge

Urbanism and Magical Realism
Toshiko Mori

Extreme Urbanism: Understanding the Importance of Complexity
Elizabeth Mossop

Rodolfo Machado

Illustration Credits:

Full Publication Title The Favela-Bairro Project, Jorge Mario Jáuregui Architects The Sixth Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design

Year Published: 2003, Harvard University Graduate School of Design

Editor: Rodolfo Machado