Beer, Art and Philosophy
The subtitle of Marioni's art autobiography is the title of one of his best known pieces, The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art. The book is introduced by Thomas McEvilley and illustrated with black and white drawings by the artist. Published by Crown Point Press, 2003."An important work for sculpture, as Marioni holds that the impetus for Conceptual Art resides there." Sculpture Magazine
"If you are stumped by contemporary art, have wondered why contemporary artists do the things they do, make the things they make, and think the way they think, this book is for you. Tom Marioni has created a book that is easy to read, fun, and engaging. In describing his own art and thinking process, Marioni--with his dry, quiet sense of humor--demystifies contemporary art without being academic or condescending. He correctly identifies the two divergent roads that recent art has taken: the Picassoian road, which focuses on the painterly tradition, and the Duchampian road, which encompasses a more catholic view of what can be a fit subject for art inquiry. Marioni shows why the Duchampian road offers more riches for many artists, including himself. By incorporating the social and leisure aspects of real life into his art, and by rejecting the dominant cultural work ethic, Tom Marioni amalgamates art and life to create a sophisticated and unique philosophy." -Chris Burden Topanga, California
"I have great appreciation for Tom Marioni's mind & art. A light & serious humor, based in & on common & uncommon beauties, found through investigations with ordinary tools. Various forms & materials of matter & magic reaching out & in. No set agenda. Might pop up anywhere. Thanks, Tom, for imputs & outputs over the years. Good music." -William T. Wiley, Woodacre, California
"I would encourage everyone to get to know the work of Tom Marioni. There are many discoveries and delights there. I keep finding new things. It won't make you a better person but will make you happy to be the one you are." -Sol LeWitt, New York City