Speakers James B. Glattfelder: Complex systems theorist

Why you should listen to him:
This question led him to the study of complex systems, a subject he now holds a Ph.D in from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Glattfelder is co-head of quantitative research at Olsen Ltd in Zurich, an FX investment manager focusing on market-stabilizing algorithms. In 2011, he co-authored the study “The Network of Global Corporate Control,” which went viral in the international media and sparked many controversial discussions. The study looked at the architecture of ownership across the globe, and computed a level of control exerted by each international player. The study revealed that less than 1% of all the players in the global economy are part of a highly interconnected and powerful core which, because of the high levels of overlap, leaves the economy vulnerable.
In his free time, Glattfelder enjoys snowboarding, rock climbing, surfing and listening to electronic music.
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Quotes by James B. Glattfelder
“We're actually really lucky that [physics] works, because no one knows why the thoughts in our heads should relate to the fundamental workings of the universe.”
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